Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Mirror

The glossy blue pools stare back at me
Piercing through the reflection I search
How what I see makes
the tumbling mess inside of me

I wonder what other eyes see
When they look, as I, into the blue
Does the heart
that swims, plummets and pounds,
seep out?
Does the blistering tear
I feel at the edge
Does the heavy warmth
that hold my heart tight

If it was anyone but me
peering into my reflection
what would they read?

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I'm Closed

I've blocked it, I've bolted it.
I'm keeping it shut.
I watch you through the glass
My shoulder to the door.

I expect you to lunge
I expect you to shove
To twist and to push
To try to bang down the door

Instead with a questioning look
You pull out a key
I flush with recognition
I tighten my grip

Unnerving puzzlement faltered my guard
Who placed it with you,
Or where you had found it
I'm determined never to know

I don't care who sent you
I don't care how it seems
I'm guarding my heart
because I've learned not to trust

There's no coming in here
so turn back, give up
You wouldn't be the first here
It's happened before...

"Love" has happened before,
But I'm sorry, I'm closed.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Return Me to Innocence

Turn my face away
Lay your fingers across my eyes
Put to sleep what I know
Say the prayer for me

Lay me down amongst the silk
Drape me in the white sheet
Close me in the dark
Quenching away what I've seen

So when my eyes open again
Pure light is all my joy
To Death with the old and
Return me to Innocence

Sunday, January 10, 2010

To know You More

Let me know what you think about this one. I only have a few written in this style. It has more of a storytelling rhyming style then most of my poems and its really long. I wonder if it is too long and if there is a better way to tell this story. I also don't want it to sound corny.

To know You More

I feel I've lost my first love
Somehow the gap is widening
I wonder what I really know about You
I know I still love You, but what more?

I feel a growing disconnection
I know it's me; I hear You calling.
I don't know how to answer.
I know You still love me.

I cry silently in the dark.
My heart sighs heavily.
Lost without answers,
A soul searching for more.

I know the "Sunday School" answers
I know the list "To Do"
With all I know about,
I still want to know more about You

I wish You could just be here
In front of me to talk
To give me a hug, a smile
That says it's alright

I turn in the dark
"Please God" I whisper
I just want to know You
Why can't You just come

Instead of a sign, vision, or calling
I sit thinking it's unfair
If only I could have been
One of the ones with You there

How close they had been
How much they must know You
Every moment with You
filled with hearts overflowing

When my mind is quiet and still
A whisper floats through
Not out of the dark
But softly on my heart

"All they know, felt about me, and more
I've given to you.
Together, for perfection, we wrote it.
It's there beside you, My love letter."

"I want you to know Me.
We wrote it for you.
The more you know Me,
The more you'll love Me, it's true."

I felt the warmth of a hug,
The freshness of a kiss.
I knew He had told me
All of this

With excitement inside
I turned on the light
And began to read, my heart yearning
To know You more