Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I'm Closed

I've blocked it, I've bolted it.
I'm keeping it shut.
I watch you through the glass
My shoulder to the door.

I expect you to lunge
I expect you to shove
To twist and to push
To try to bang down the door

Instead with a questioning look
You pull out a key
I flush with recognition
I tighten my grip

Unnerving puzzlement faltered my guard
Who placed it with you,
Or where you had found it
I'm determined never to know

I don't care who sent you
I don't care how it seems
I'm guarding my heart
because I've learned not to trust

There's no coming in here
so turn back, give up
You wouldn't be the first here
It's happened before...

"Love" has happened before,
But I'm sorry, I'm closed.

1 comment:

  1. Extremely good I like the visual, even though somewhat disturbing and remember stores always have to open the next day.
