Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Future Road That lies Ahead

The road stretches before me
I try to see around the bend
Stumbling slightly as I look ahead instead of down
Even though I know where the road ends
Desire consumes me to know what happens along the way
I stop to wonder
What scenery will pass?
What mountains are there to climb?
What streams to cross?
Whose path crosses mine?
Whose will join mine?
Whose only follows alongside for a time?
The wind whispers and hear His quiet voice
Lovingly He guide my eyes to where I tripped
to where my feet are standing still
He tells me I must take my eyes from wandering ahead
I must focus on the steps before me
Lest the smallest things trip me, or I wander from the path
I must stop questioning the future
go forward, move into it and experience it
Bowing my head I focus on my small steps
Praying God will lead my way
Keep me safe, and help my eyes and heart to stop wandering

1 comment:

  1. Peaceful, I never like thinking of the future...its not enjoyable being a realist. Though this poem reminds me of a song I heard as a child.

    Cast all your cares upon me,
    Lay all of your burdens down at my feet
    And anytime I don't know what to do I will cast all of my cares upon you.

    It always made everything seem simpler. Good Luck with your path.
